Tell us about your places!

Authored by Brian Tonetti

Starting July 1st, share your visions and ideas online or at in-person pop-up workshops throughout the Salt Lake Valley in the second engagement opportunity on the Seven Greenways Vision Plan. Tell us about your places!


We’ve wrapped up the first phase of the Seven Greenways Vision Plan, the existing conditions. Core elements emerged through research and assessment of the existing greenways system. They organize what the greenways aspire to achieve, and serve as a framework for opportunity areas, best management practices, policies, and a toolbox of design concepts and guidelines. Click here for the Existing Conditions Report.

The first engagement in Phase Two – Community Visioning was a community survey. It launched February 17, 2021, and was available for one month in both English and Spanish. University of Utah students targeted survey distribution through intercept surveying and interviews. 

We had a total of 1,178 people take the survey. Responses covered visitation, values, access, barriers, and visions. Results will frame the structure and foundation of the Seven Greenways Vision Plan. Click here for the survey findings.

Next up is our second engagement opportunity—the vision workshops. Starting July 1st, share your visions and ideas online or at in-person pop-up workshops throughout the Salt Lake Valley. Click here to tell us about your places!


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