New website live

Authored by Brian Tonetti

The new website redesign is live! Find the tools, information, and resources you need easier. Read through the refreshed blog, find more ways to support, and learn about all our projects, programs, and activities.


The new website is here! We’ve made navigation on our site easier, so you can find the tools, information, and resources you need. We’ve refreshed our blog with the latest news, project updates, historical articles and maps, a toolbox, case studies, financial information, and more. The events page has upcoming volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, and celebrations. Our goal is to keep our supporters, like you, up-to-date with the latest happenings. We’ve created a financials page for more accountability and transparency. A new support page shows the many ways you can be a part of our creek transformation, including donating, volunteering, corporate partnerships, planned giving, and more. Let us know what you think!


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